Archivo de noticias

From Our Kitchen Table to Yours

April 30, 2020

Mendocino Coast Children's Fund was started in 1992 around a kitchen table  by a small group of community members who wanted to help local children and families who were at risk of slipping through the cracks. Nearly thirty years later, we've grown into one of the first lines of defense for families in crisis, working with over 40 organizations and foundations throughout the county to make sure children and families do not go hungry, unclothed, or homeless.

The intense realities of Covid-19 are creating new yet old ways to be together. All-day and evening, our Children’s Fund phone rings—folks offering what little they have, choosing less for themselves in exchange for knowing they’ve eased the way for someone else. People are digging deep to take care of each other. We’ve seen donations of diapers, home-sewn masks, warm clothes, boxes of starts, and baby formula. We open our doors to find loaves of homemade bread and jars of hearty soup on our doorsteps, and notes from our neighbors asking if we need anything from town. Here on the coast, we realize that at the end of the day, if we have a little less for ourselves but have made life better for others, we are richer than when we started.

As MCCF board members and volunteers sit at our kitchen tables and answer calls, texts, emails, and master the art of Zooming for the Children's Fund, it is clear that what transcends our fear for ourselves is our heartfelt concern for each other. Littles and bigs, youngsters and elders, neighbors and businesses are all crocheting a community safety net of kindness. We are linked by the stitches of love that keep us all connected.

Hopefully it is these instances of kindness that our community will remember and our children will carry forward when we look back on this time and the way our world changed. Nothing is certain about Covid-19, but we know, deep in our hearts, that we are here for each other. Whatever the lessons of 2020, we hope our children retain this and forever know: where there is compassion there is hope.

Almost three decades later, MCCF is all of us opening our hearts to each other. MCCF says yes, when other agencies lack funds or solutions- when times are troubling, we get busy! We are at your service, ensuring that your good intentions and generosity translate into effective strategies.

MCCF is the Coast's Covid-19 first responders, responsible for the coordination of Covid-19 response from Westport to Elk. We are working with partners across the County. We are serving the needs of infants, children, families, the elderly and our most economically and medically vulnerable community members. Covid-19 means all of us are in this together!

We are honored to be entrusted by you and over 40 agencies and foundations to do this work. Please send funds as you can, as well as your ideas for sharing your resources with our neighbors. We are all volunteer. One hundred percent of your donation goes to support children and community members at risk. We are the oldest nonprofit  grassroots advocacy in our County. Our thanks to the Community Fdn of Mendocino County for an initial grant of $25,000 to help offset hunger. We matched this amount and have now distributed $60,000 in aid. "It meant so much to me not be forgotten" said a community member in need. Your donations to MCCF make hope possible for hundreds of families.

Stay home, know that you are loved, and please help MCCF as we go forward.

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Annie Liner, Executive Director
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